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Young Adults

“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.”

Acts 2:42

Young Adults

“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.”

Acts 2:42

Who We Are

Our Young Adults group is a community of men and women, ages 18-29, who are desiring to find fellowship with those who are in a similar place in life. This is a place where we seek to apply the truths of the Bible and encourage one another toward the life that God intends for us. We believe in creating a strong spiritual foundation through the Word of God, prayer, worship and fellowship. Most times of fellowship include food, conversation, prayer, and discussion for applying the Bible to practical living. We also make opportunities for fellowship through game nights, movie nights, park nights, and just generally hanging out.

Who We Are

Our Young Adults group is a community of men and women, ages 18-29, who are desiring to find fellowship with those who are in a similar place in life. This is a place where we seek to apply the truths of the Bible and encourage one another toward the life that God intends for us. We believe in creating a strong spiritual foundation through the Word of God, prayer, worship and fellowship. Most times of fellowship include food, conversation, prayer, and discussion for applying the Bible to practical living. We also make opportunities for fellowship through game nights, movie nights, park nights, and just generally hanging out.

Join Us

Every 3rd Sunday at 1:30pm

At Cysco and Carissa’s home
3317 Augusta Lane, Apt. #0128 Fort Worth, TX , 76137

Four Pillars Of Our Gathering

  • Apostles’ Doctrine:  Knowing Jesus is key to following Jesus. We seek to know Him better as we spend time in His word.

  • Fellowship:  Following Jesus is not done in a vacuum. We value the believers God has placed alongside us, and trust that He has placed us together for our spiritual growth.

  • Breaking of Bread:  Food brings people together! Sharing food with our brothers and sisters in Christ reminds us that we are all a part of the same family.

  • Prayer:  We believe that God is alive and active in our world today. We want to be lifting each other up to Him, knowing that  He is the true Healer.

Four Pillars Of  Our Gathering

  • Apostles’ Doctrine:  Knowing Jesus is key to following Jesus. We seek to know Him better as we spend time in His word.

  • Fellowship:  Following Jesus is not done in a vacuum. We value the believers God has placed alongside us, and trust that He has placed us together for our spiritual growth.

  • Breaking of Bread:  Food brings people together! Sharing food with our brothers and sisters in Christ reminds us that we are all a part of the same family.

  • Prayer:  We believe that God is alive and active in our world today. We want to be lifting each other up to Him, knowing that  He is the true Healer.

Contact Us

Call or text Cysco at 505-787-0233 or email

Contact Us

Call or text Cysco at 505-787-0233 or email